DFH is a family-friendly facility; we work hard to create a wholesome and safe environment.
Here are a few things to keep in mind while you're at "our house."
- We've made food and beverages available for your enjoyment. Please don't bring in outside food, beverages or coolers.
- No tobacco products, profanity or negative comments to officials, players, coaches or spectators.
- No running, ball play or use of sports equipment in the lobby, cafe, or meeting areas
- NO Unsupervised children under the age of 10
- Be a role model-exhibit good sportsmanship at all times.
- No fighting. No excuses.

- Respect the game, play fairly, and follow its rules and regulations.
- Show respect for authority to the officials of the game and of the league.
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during and after games.
- Be courteous to opposing teams and treat all players and coaches with respect.
- Be modest when successful and be gracious in defeat.
- Respect the privilege of the use of the facility.
- Refrain from the use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and abusive language.

- Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, fans and officials at games, practices and other sporting events.
- Place the well being of the children before a personal desire to win.
- Advocate a sports environment for the children that is free of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and abusive language, and refrain from their use during all sporting events.
- Encourage children to play by the rules and respect the rights of other players, coaches, fans, and officials.

- Place the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of a personal desire or external pressure to win.
- Do your best to provide a safe playing environment for all participants.
- Lead by example by demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all involved.
- Provide a sports environment for your team that is free of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and abusive language, and refrain from their use during all sporting events.
- Respect the game and league officials and communicate with them in an appropriate manner.
- Be knowledgeable of the league rules and regulations and teach these rules to the players on your team.
- Encourage your team members to play by the league rules and respect the rights of other players, coaches, fans, and officials.
- Be responsible for your behavior and also the behavior of your team members, their parents and fans.
- No pets allowed inside facility.
- Dispose of all trash in provided containers.
- Players, parents, coaches, officials, and visitors assume all risk and liability for use of the facility and equipment.
- This facility has a zero tolerance policy and any violator of this code of conduct may be asked to immediately leave the facility.
- No outside food may be brought onto premises.